Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
The effect of Nickel Sulphate on the regeneration of hind limbs of Bufo Orientalis Tabpoles
تأثيرات كبريتات النيكل علي تجدد الأطراف الخلفية للأطوار اليرقية في الضفدعة الشرقية (بوفوأورينتالس)
Subject : Biological 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The tadpoles of Bufo orientalis used in this study were collected from apond in Al-ahsaba, south of Kingdom of.Saudi Arabia, and from these results it was concluded that, the concentration 75x 10.6, inhibit the regeneration at all intervals used in this study. While the other two concentration 25xlO-6 and 50xlO.6 showed a little growth and differentiation of blastema at intervals 5:30 days. The amputaded shank lost the capability of regeneration post treatment with 75xlO-6 nickle sulphet. The ossification centers begin to appear after 15: 20 day. The pmm (foot plate) lost the capability after 30 days. A gradual regeneratiol} appears at intervals 5,10,15,20,30 days post treatment. The speciment post amputated thigh lost the capability of regeneration in different treated consentration at different intervals. 
Supervisor : Prof. Salih Abdalaziz Alkrim 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1414 AH
1994 AD
Added Date : Thursday, June 12, 2008 


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ناصر أحمد أبو سارحهAbu Sarha, Nasser AhmadResearcherMaster 


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