Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Therapeutic and protective effects of Cucurbita on the Pancreas of male albino rats infected by Diabetes Mellitus to Manifest the Scientific Miracles In Sunna (Histological and Histochemical Studies)
دراسة التأثير العلاجي والوقائي لنبات اليقطين على بنكرياس ذكور الجرذان البيضاء المصابة بداء السكري لإظهار الاعجاز العلمي في السنة (دراسات نسيجية وكيمياء نسيجية )
Subject : Therapeutic and protective effects of Cucurbita on the Pancreas of male albino rats infected by Diabetes Mellitus to Manifest the Scientific Miracles In Sunna (Histological and Histochemical Studies) 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The current study comparing the therapeutic efficienacy when using Cucurbita plant and Algliclizaid tablets in the reduction of tissue changes in the pancreas of animals Treated Alloxan and the preventive role of the pumpkin by tracing the histological study, therefore, we divided male albino rats into four groups, the group G1 control group, the group G2 group experimental and include six is a category (1,2), including rats with moderate and severe diabetes, respectively, a class (3,4), including rats with moderate and severe diabetes and treatment pumpkin , respectively, a class (5,6), including rats with moderate diabetes and acute treatment drug Algliclizaid respectively, the group G3 ginseng treatment pumpkin, ginseng treatment group G4 pumpkin and then injected with a drug Allolxan. He developed many of the histological changes in group G2 class (1,2) continued decay of diseases and histological changes during the whole experiment where the observed small and atrophy of the islets of Langerhans with shorthand in the numbr of alpha cells and beta as deformation and decomposition of connective-tissue peripheral and internal degradation of filaments vessels feeding the Islands resulting in atrophy inthesize of the island's ramifications and extend between the pockets of pancreatic,acinii either category (3,4) and treatment with Cucurbita In sugar moderate with the beginning of the experiment it was noted a slight improvement of the beta cells and alpha with improved nuclei and connective tissue supported her accustomed islets of Langerhans to normal size with some clusters bloody simple, but with treatment Cucurbita long-term observed starting for a balance between the cells (beta and alpha) and irregular edges of the Islands of Langerhans, with some changes hemorrhagic simple, either in a rat diabetic acute treatment Cucurbita no improvement is clear from the onset, with continued degeneration in sick both connective tissue-forming cells of the islands and both nuclei beta and alpha, either in class (6,5) and treatment tablets Algliclizide observed in sugar moderate improvement clear for some Islands and the cells component and return the relative similarities normal reticular (C.T.), but in sugar acute has damage happened within the islands and was also noticed the presence of giant cells and rupture of filaments within the island with bloody ramifications between the pancreatic acinii also received damage to the tissue outside the island in the cells surrounding it. In the third group (G3) and the treatment just Cucurbita no changes notice to , but in the fourth group (G4), which gave Cucurbita for two monthes as a precaution and then treated By alloxan We found that there are preventive capacity of the pumpkin against the histological changes Islands of Langer Hans but he has appeared on some islands, blood clots as simple as that beta cells and alpha remained intact. We recommend that according to these results using the Cucurbita as maintenance therapy and complementary or alternative daily against diabetes has been proven through this study that has a capacity of treatment to the tissue changes disease in patients with mild diabetes, it also lowers blood sugar in the diabetic moderate rats . But with the severe diabetics rats has the ability to reduce blood sugar, but with some diseases tissue changes that may be controlled if long-term treatment. With the histological changes kidney in fected with diabetes then treated with cucurbita plant we observed partial recoverd in the glomerulus but within same bleding. 
Supervisor : Dr. Malak M. Fath allah 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1431 AH
2010 AD
Number Of Pages : 121 
Added Date : Wednesday, November 10, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
جوهرة عبد الله الزهرانيAL Zahrani, Jowharah

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